
5 Types of Floor Mats That Can Help Your Business

With more than 40 years of experience in the floor mat rentals business, City Clean can confidently guide companies into choosing the right kind of mats for their business.  It may seem like choosing your commercial floor mats would be a straightforward decision, but many are surprised to learn that there are many different types of floor mats and each of them serves their own unique purpose. When sourcing commercial floor mats, be sure to work with an expert in the field so that you choose the right mats to get the results you need. Read more

Centralize Your Branding – Get Your Logo on Your Mats

Consistency is the key when it comes to running a successful business.  Consistent levels of customer service, consistency when it comes to product quality – the list is long!  Part of successful brand awareness comes from consistency in the message you send out about your business and in the way your company is presented. So how can you up your brand awareness and build on that consistency? Consider custom floor mats that are branded with your company logo. Read more

Using Anti-Fatigue Mats in the Workplace

Industrial and commercial mats are often brought in to help alleviate the dirt and mess that can accumulate in high-traffic areas. Businesses that rely on commercial mats to help prevent slips and falls and keep their space in good condition are also very interested in learning about anti-fatigue mats and what they can do for the health and safety of their employees.
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